Scofield Lighting
When the new owners of Scofield Historic Lighting decided to transition from a retail to a wholesale-trade only business model, they contracted with Michelle Paulson to implement an ongoing public relations campaign to create brand awareness and interest among architecture and interior design professionals at the local, regional and national levels. Feature stories in national trade and consumer publications helped fuel triple-digit sales volume growth.

Client Doreen Joslow being filmed for a segment on NECN's cable network's "Dream Home" program.

One of many ads designed and run in various trade publications, this appearing in an AIA publication.

Scofield Lighting has been featured in major consumer and trade publications including those shown here.

An article written and pitched by Michelle resulted in a four-page spread in ASID's New York Metro Magazine.

Client Doreen Joslow and select Scofield fixtures were featured in a segment of Extreme Homes when they chose to help a Connecticut family.

Product feature in Connecticut Cottages & Gardens magazine.